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Carmel Design Center is expert at creating customized kitchens and cabinetry, along with luxurious bathrooms, and other aspects of a high-end residence. Please contact us to let us know how we can help you.

We also collaborate with interior designers, architects, builders, and contractors to turn their plans into specifications for ordering the products in their designs.

We work with each entity differently based on where they may be in the design process of a project. It’s best for your project to have Carmel Design Center involved early, however, we are able to provide our assistance during all aspects of a project’s timeline. Our professionals can recommend the best product solutions for your design vision, create detailed specifications, provide pricing for your final approval, and place your product orders to meet the project timeline.

  • Appliances: Sub-Zero, Wolf, Cove, Miele, Bosch
  • Cabinetry: Bentwood Luxury, Harmoni, Primary Kitchen
  • Plumbing Fixtures and Tile: Waterworks, The Galley
  • Wood Flooring: Arrigoni
  • Interior Doors: Trustile, Marvin, Old World Doors
  • Hardware: Rocky Mountain, Ashley Norton, Water Street Brass, Emtek
  • Exterior Doors and Windows: Old World Doors, Arcadia, Otiima USA, Quantum, Marvin
  • Butcher Block Countertops: Grothouse
  • Quartz Countertops: Vadara, Caesarstone, Silestone
  • Outdoor Furniture: Brown Jordan
  • Lighting: Visual Comfort

We welcome visitors by appointment Monday through Friday. Give us a call at 831-724-7000 or complete the request form here.

Carmel Design Center is locally owned and operated. We offer the best-curated selection of the most highly respected brands in the custom design luxury build industry. We offer experience and expertise in recommending product solutions that will aesthetically enhance and provide long-term performance to your home project.

Carmel Design Center is the only local area design resource with a curated collection of luxury custom home building brands under one roof, along with product expertise and an abundance of product samples. We make it easy for decision-making by having everything available for you to view on-site and the capabilities to put project pricing together and track all your building material purchases.

Carmel Design Center is locally owned and operated and has been selected as a premier dealer in the Northern CA area because of our expertise and superior service.

Carmel Design Center provides you with detailed specifications and quotations of the products at your request for your final approval. Terms vary by product manufacturer—some require a deposit and others may require payment in full at the time of order.

Yes! We would welcome making introductions to the fine professionals we know and with whom we have worked with in our area.

Different products have different lead times. We can assist you with an approximate timeline during your consultations for the products in which you are interested.

The sooner the better! We appreciate being in on the forefront of your project, even providing expertise on how to decide about going forward with a renovation or new build. We can also provide product lead times so that your orders arrive in a timely manner as needed for your project’s progress.

Carmel Design Center is locally owned and operated. We are a proven provider of luxury building products for the discerning professional and homeowner. We have curated the finest materials that provide quality and craftsmanship that will distinguish your project and provide long-term value. Our team of experts is here to help you to make your selections and decisions with confidence and we make it easy!

Schedule Your Consultation